Read Up On #TigrayGenocide

“..With the Ethiopian government blocking aid shipments, some starving Tigrayans are eating leaves to survive…”

— Declan Walsh, NY Times

“..Rape is starting at the age of 8 and to the age of 72. It is so widespread, I go on seeing it everywhere, thousands…”

— Tigrayan Nun speaking on SGBV victims in Tigray | Source: Global Voices

“..We hid in a cave for two months with 200 other people…then the Eritrean army found us and murdered 18 people…”

— Tirhas Fishaye, Tigrayan IDP from Zelambasa, Tigray | Source: AP

“One of the ironies of a prime minister who came to office promising unity is that he has deliberately exacerbated hatred between different groups”

— Berhane Kidanemariam, Former Ethiopian Diplomat | Source: CNN